Luba Tchertanov
CMLA ENS Cachan, France
Luba Tchertanov, Research Director at CNRS-France, leader of the Bioinformatics, Molecular Dynamics and Modeling (BiMoDyM) team in Centre Mathématiques et leurs Applications (CMLA-CNRS) at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Cachan. She has multidisciplinary high-level skills, with extensive experience in structural biology, molecular modelling and numerical simulation (more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals). She coordinated or contributed as team-leader to different research projects (CEE, ANR, Fondation de France, OSEO, SIDACTION) and industrial contracts (LIPHATECH, the SERVIER Institute, the Pierre FABRE Laboratory, UNILIVER).
The research topics are focused on exploration of protein structure–dynamics–function relations. In particular, L. Tchertanov is working at the mechanisms of the receptors activation, the mechanisms of resistance to inhibitors, the conformational plasticity and dynamics of inter-molecular interactions and molecular recognition. She is most specifically interested in description of allosteric regulation at an atomistic level. Important part of research is dedicated to the development of new methodology and computing tools for description of proteins dynamics.
Abstract : How Conformational Dynamics Descriptors may help in remodeling of allosteric Regulation in Proteins