Sunyoung Kim
Louisiana State University School of Medicine & Health Sciences Center, USA
Title: Proton tunneling accelerates ATP hydrolysis in Eg5 kinesin
Biography: Sunyoung Kim
ATP hydrolysis requires that a proton f rom the water nucleophile must be abstr acted and transferred in order to create a hydroxide capable of attacking the substrate. In crystallographic capture of ATP hydrolysis, a two-water cluster is found in the active site of two diffe rent kinesin isoforms. These data suggest that a proton is shared between the lytic water , positioned for gamma-phosphate attack, and the second water that serves as a general base. The unusual short distance between the two orthosteric water molecules , observed by crystallography, is confirmed by solvent kinetic isotope experiments. The positive kinetic isotope e ffect (KIE) confirms proton abstraction from water commits kinesin to catalysis and its pH-dependence verifies that switch salt-bridge residues direct chemotransduction . Additionally, a classical descr iption for this proton transfer is refuted by the KIE magnitude, tempe rature-independent Arrhenius pre-exponential fa ctor rati os, and activation energy differences. Taken together, we conclude that the first step in kinesin catalysis has a tunneling component, a quantum mechanical event by which a particle transfers through a reaction barrier. This first detection of tunneling in an ATPase is of consequence for two reasons. First, proton tunneling is likely widespread in biomolecules, rather than solely a characteristic of metalloenzymes. Second, energy barrier penetration by proton tunneling is an alternate explanation to classical transition-state stabilization theory for the fast reactivities of motor proteins.